Jordan Brace

The attitude era! We should’ve known!

When Jordan learned to smile with teeth!

Starting young!
When Jordan met her first liberal!
True story!
Madam President!
Gov. Lombardo, NV
The most recognized picture of Jordan
Jordan can play guitar!
Producing “Brace Yourself”!
President and First Lady Mrs. Trump!
Tulsi Gabbard at CPAC 2024!
With Mike Lindell.
The Uncle’s favorite two pics!
One day!
Flag pin!
CPAC 2024!
Interviewed by Newsmax!
Dr. Sebastian Gorka!
She’s the boss!
Dan Bongino at Mar-a-Lago!
Jordan’s Heroes!
Gabby the Wonder Dog! VP choice?
Our future leader at CPAC!
Michael Flynn & friend!
Kari Lake & Leo Terrell at Mar A Lago!
Kevin Sorbo at Mar A Lago!
Lucy is the sweetest!
Scout hoardes chewies!
Fiona is so mellow!
Leo Terrell, Dinesh & Deborah D’Souza at Mar-a-Lago!
Kevin Kiley
Giving back to the community!
Animal lover!
Puppy Gabby!
Signing Pres. Trump’s bus!
Brandon Straka!
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Lt. Gov. of Nevada
Andrea Hanks
Mercedes Schlapp
Abby Johnson